hello i am derpygamer2142 i do the programming and things and stuff it is very cool.

I am a 3d graphics nerd, for more on that and some demos see the 3d page

If you want to check out my turbowarp extensions go to the extensions page

For a list of my finished and in progress stuff check out the portfolio page

There might also be a blog here at some point depends on if i think it would be cool

stuff about me

i like the 3d and gpu go brrrrrrr. i work with scratch a lot, usually turbowarp because it's faster and supports extensions. i think c is cooler than rust but i use javascript most of the time cuz it's easy and for some reason c doesn't like compiling on my pc all the time. i am an expert at putting in a ton of effort into things but making it look really bad and low quality(it's intentional i swear)

WIP Projects

Projects I Haven't Started Yet But am Totally Going to Soon™ I Just Need To Finish one Last Thing



    email - [email protected]

    discord - derpygamer2142

    you could probably comment on my scratch profile but i don't check that too often